Freie Universität Bozen
Die 1997 gegründete Freie Universität Bozen ist eine international ausgerichtete, mehrsprachige Universität (Deutsch, Italienisch, Englisch und Ladinisch).
Die fünf Fakultäten mit einem hohen Anteil von Lehrenden (35%) und Studierenden (17%) aus dem Ausland beschäftigen sich mit wirtschaftlichen, naturwissenschaftlich-technischen, informationstechnischen, pädagogischen, ästhetischen und sozialen Grundfragen der Gesellschaft. Etwa 4100 Studierende studieren in mehr als 30 Studienprogrammen und Lehrgängen.
Die Lehrangebote und Forschungsprojekte sind in internationale Netzwerke – wie beispielsweise das der Euregio-Universität mit den Universitäten Innsbruck und Trient – eingebunden und orientieren sich an hohen Qualitätsstandards.

Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
The primary goal pursued within the research unit Active and Assisted Living of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences is to positively influence the quality of life especially for the elderly by means of demand-driven technical developments focusing on: (i) Smart Home, (ii) Smart Health and tele monitoring application and (iii) Smart Interaction. The basis for the Research & Development activities at CUAS is the Living Lab approach, which combines methods, processes, infrastructure and partnerships for the realization of cooperative, applied research with relevant actors in the context of Active and Assisted Living (AAL).

University of Trieste
The Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA) of the University of Trieste is a community of people with different roles and skills, working in synergy to spread knowledge, experiment techniques, ideas and projects in order to contribute to the transformations of our time.Through its educational offer, it prepares students to become the future; thanks to its quality of research, it produces scientific knowledge to be transferred to the job market and to the civil society using new ideas made available to actors operating in the fields of government and planning of cities and territories, industry, business and cultural investment.

Eureka System
Eureka System offers assestment, analisys, system design, Software development and Hardware supply for automate, manage and innovate production process and mechatronics systems of manufacturing industry and to achieve special projects.